Heinkel He 111H-8
with balloon cable cutting device

This particular plane was equipped with a special device to cut the cables of barrage balloons.

Heinkel He 111H-8 - II./KG 27 - 1941

Download plane - 3.175 KB

The base airplane has no national tail markings to avoid offending and conform to relevant national laws. To apply historically correct tail markings, as in the picture to the right, download this file and follow the installation instructions.

Download historical markings - 266 KB
Unzip the file in the Texture folder of the aircraft directory

You need to download the shared files pack and the complete plane pack
Installing the plane without the shared files will cause CFS3 to crash!
You need however to download them only ONCE for ALL planes

Download shared files - 1.344 KB

 Alternate color schemes
The Ground Crew seeks to depict camouflage and markings with the highest possible level of historical accuracy. The original and additional "skins" are produced using photographs and/or "GC validated" profiles of the subject aircraft. However, without colour photographs from every angle of the subject aircraft, it is impossible to guarantee 100% accuracy. Therefore any elements that require interpretation or extrapolation are based on a thorough knowledge of standard Luftwaffe, or unit specific, camouflage and markings. Please note that, on the basis of historical accuracy, all planes show swastika markings on the tail. So, if you feel offended by such exhibitions, please do not use these files.

Heinkel He 111H-8
5./KG55 - 1941

Download skin - 903 KB

The skin zip files containsonly the necessary dds files to modify the camouflage and markings of the plane. Just unzip in the Texture folder of the airplane directory. We suggest to backup the original texture files first.

Heinkel He 111H-3 Pathfinder
with X-Gerät apparat antennas
This particular plane can be armed with a variety of internal and external loads up to a single 1800 Kg bomb.
The real world counterpart was equipped with an X-Gerät Target Finding Aid.
Defense armament of 5 Mg15 and 1 MG FF.
Acts as a level bomber in the game, service entry 11/1/1939

Heinkel He 111H-3 - 3/Kgr 100, Vannes, Brittany, Winter 1940-41

Download plane - 3.132 KB

This particular plane had bottom and vertical surface
obscured with black paint.
This means that no svastika was displayed on the tail
and no Balkenkreuz on the fuselage sides.
Also Unit markings were overpainted.

You need to download the shared files pack and the complete plane pack
Installing the plane without the shared files will cause CFS3 to crash!
You need however to download them only ONCE for ALL planes

Download shared files - 1.344 KB

 Alternate color schemes
The Ground Crew seeks to depict camouflage and markings with the highest possible level of historical accuracy. The original and additional "skins" are produced using photographs and/or "GC validated" profiles of the subject aircraft. However, without colour photographs from every angle of the subject aircraft, it is impossible to guarantee 100% accuracy. Therefore any elements that require interpretation or extrapolation are based on a thorough knowledge of standard Luftwaffe, or unit specific, camouflage and markings. Please note that, on the basis of historical accuracy, all planes show swastika markings on the tail. So, if you feel offended by such exhibitions, please do not use these files.

Heinkel He 111H-3
2/Kgr 100, Vannes, Brittany, Winter 1940-41

Download skin - 822 KB

Heinkel He 111H-3
2/Kgr 100, Vannes, Brittany, Winter 1940-41

Download skin - 937 KB

The skin zip files containsonly the necessary dds files to modify the camouflage and markings of the plane. Just unzip in the Texture folder of the airplane directory. We suggest to backup the original texture files first.